Miss Universe Angola 2025/6 has emerged since July 2024. Believe it or not, some countries have started selecting their representatives for the prestigious pageant. And taking the lead in Africa is Angola with stunning Mariha Augusta Cunha from Luanda. She beat thirty other beauties to win the title and would be representing Angola at the 74th edition of Miss Universe.

Who is Mariha?

Starting with the obvious, Miss Universe Angola 2024/5 is super beautiful, stunning, shining black and elegant. Also, Mariha is five feet nine inches tall and is a student of International Relations. However, when Ms Cunha is not studying, she is working as a runway model.

Secondly, her job as a model began earnestly when she was eighteen in 2021. That is a smart, busy and focused young lady. International Relations is quite tailored to her chosen career, right? Thus keeping herself busy with school work and modeling work. No time to spend energy on idleness.

Furthermore, Ms Cunha has the advantage of modelling in other parts of Africa and meeting people of diverse cultures. Thus building her confidence and making her comfortable with any audience in the world.

Finally, competing for and winning Miss Luanda and Miss Universe Angola 2024/5 mark her debut in pageantry. Yet, her poise, calm and ease did not betray her new experiences.

And her passion to make a positive difference in the lives of women, remains strong. She believes in the strength of women and that the world is better because they are in it.

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