Young Nyakim Gatwech was labelled Queen of the dark and harassed by those who should have been her playmates. Her fight against discrimination began from very early in life. She won. She is winning still.

Because one day, everything changed for the better, forever. Gatwech went from being harassed as queen of the dark, to one of the hottest models in the world.

The queen of the dark was born in Ethiopia. Her Sudanese parents moved to the United States of America when she was fourteen. She became a model after a fashion show in a university there.

Interestingly, Nyakim is considered the darkest model in the world. Now, is that racist or what? Imagine being labelled as the queen of the dark and the darkest model in the world. Nevermind, the labelling put her at the top of the modelling profession.

We rename our striking thirty-one year old queen of the dark, Ebony Glitter. Because aQNyakim glitters like a twinkling star and we are honoured to celebrate her. Behold, our twinkling queen.

Do you think that our title fits better? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. We have no rights to these social media images copied.

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