Ready for an Amplified Miss Blantyre 2017

Ready for an Amplified Miss Blantyre 2017 ? Malawi’s prestigious beauty pageant Miss Blantyre is almost here with only a week to go before beauties of the city invade Sunbird Mount Soche Hotel to compete for the crown of Miss Blantyre 2017.

Ready for an Amplified Miss Blantyre 2017

Ready for an Amplified Miss Blantyre 2017

The colorful queen crowning ceremony is scheduled for 13th October. This year it’s spicy with the introduction of even more interesting categories. According to the organizers, they have included two more categories on this year’s menu. Chairman for Miss Blantyre, Mr Daniel Ngwira said that the inclusion of the two categories is a way of making this year’s episode more exciting.

“Ex-Queens and Hot Mums are the two categories that have been added to make this year’s edition more exciting. However these categories are non-competitive,” he said

Ngwira clarified that hot mums category is aimed at celebrating the beautiful women of Malawi. This is in fulfilment of the brand’s value of incorporating all citizens of the country and all age groups. Considering that October is a month for mothers, this category will be one way of lighting up their month.

So far, three women have registered to participate with two more required to complete the line-up. It will be their opportunity to show the youthful girls how they paraded in their days.

On ex-queens category, Ngwira said that it will involve former models in recognition of their efforts in building the industry.

Musically, the organisers chose not to give it zero effort as they engaged the trio of Dan Lu, Lulu and Nesnes. The giants have worked on Miss Blantyre theme song tagged Chiphadzuwa cha Blantyre. Last year musician Mzati was involved in the theme song.

Lulu and Nesnes will also perform at this year’s Miss Blantyre event where Queen Hannah Mhone will hand over her crown.

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